I think that every time I need to vent, I'm going to mitigate it with a picture that reminds me of something cool. In the last three days, both the refrigerator and dishwasher have died. We just had to replace the motherboard on the computer in July and paid over $300 to fix the microwave a couple of months ago. Yes we could have bought a new microwave for almost as much, but I'm feeling like we really need to mitigate the huge footprint that we're already leaving on the earth and actually fix the stuff we have instead of tossing it aside for something new. Another bonus: warranty on fridge expired July 28, and the problem is more costly/complex than pretty handy Hubs can handle on his own.
Aren't the balloons really cool?
Buy a balloon and run away. Don't you feel like doing that? Become a ninja or a pirate and sail off for shores unknown. Scary, kind of like all your kitchen appliances pooping out at the same time and having no money to fix them or replace them.
Last night, I told my husband that everything breaking at once was a giant validation from the universe that we're (finally) on the right track (again).
"everything breaking at once was a giant validation from the universe that we're (finally) on the right track (again)." haha!
I hate when everything breaks at once. Last year it was our computer and our car. and the air conditioning. I remember walking on eggshells...afraid that if I breathed the wrong way the house would collapse.
p.s. love the balloons! That is so cool.
thanks katio! we're resisting the temptation to wait for the other shoe to drop too. Once they're fixed - it's like we have all new appliances, right?
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