Sunday, March 15, 2009

Exercise - March 15 thru 21

I can't believe that it was actually 60 degrees today! I took the opportunity to go running outside, then drinks with the ladies - it was really good to get out without hubs and kids.
Here's how the week looks:

Sun - 5 mile run.

*Mon - 1 hr yoga (Inhale w/Steve Ross)

*St. Patrick's Day - 5 mile run; then 2 1/2 hrs. at Kensington walking around lake, playing on playground, and fitness trail with the 3 boys.

*Wed - Cathe Friedrich Pyramid Upper Body

*Thurs - Boy2 spent the day becoming the vomiteur - so no exercising, but lots of scrubbing, disinfecting, and herding rest of family away from Mr. Contamination

*Fri - Boy 2 still puking

*Sat - off/ is it normal for husbands to work 75+ hours/week while taking a company-wide paycut?


Levi said...

Wow...60. That's amazing. Spring starts Friday. We had rain yesterday and today. Just knew you'd want to know.

Favorite drink?
Mine is a margarita. Knew you'd want to know that too.

P/F said...

Margaritas on the rocks are the best when they're good, but I'm sticking with drinks from my grandparents' generation - so I'm more of a Vodka Gimlet drinker right now.